Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Say: I Love Meeting New People

Sorry that I've fallen behind on my updates, but with all the excitement around I've been struggling to find time to write. But I've been meeting so many cool people that I can't wait any longer. Here's just a sampling of my social calendar from last week.

First Mom's college friend Mark came to visit. He lives in Seattle and has a baby boy named Theo. You could tell that he didn't like being away from his baby for even a day. Still, he was very kind to me.

That's Mark and me
My next visitor was Jessica, but I call her JZ. She was also super nice to me even though she had other things on her mind. After she visited me she was flying to Arizona to do an Ironman triathlon (which I'm told is some nonsense that requires that you stay awake for more than two hours at a time, so you can count me out), but she found the time to come see me. She loves beagles, but I think I heard her say that I'm even cuter. I appreciate such compliments. Plus, she's a regular blog reader, and you know how much I love blog readers.

JZ and me
My next guest was Johanna. (The J is silent. I pronounce that part well.) She has a son named Seb who is 2-years old and is almost full grown. Mom and Dad say he's an awesome kid, so I hope to meet him soon.   And BTW, even though I'm tiny compared to Seb (but then again, who isn't?), the doctor says I'm growing at an impressive rate.

Johanna and me
It's great feeling so loved and popular. I had lots more visitors last week and I'll tell you about them soon. For now it's nap time. 

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