Saturday was all kinds of awesome. So awesome that it will take more than one blog entry to fill you in on the day's activities. I'll start with the evening. Mom and Dad and I went to two parties. That's right - two!
The first party was the Photo Party at Francis' house. Apparently he has an annual tradition of having a holiday party and taking portraits of all the guests. I was a little sleepy for my pictures, but Francis was nice enough to supply the biggest dog ever to keep us company.
Not only did I get to meet Francis and his giant dogs, but I met Kenley, Alisa, Kevin, Maria, Steven and Steven, and a bunch more really fun people. The party was full of dogs, nice people, and other kids and babies. (Dad says I'm the only one who's still under warranty, which I think means that I was the youngest.) We couldn't stay too long at the Photo Party because we had to go to our next stop, which was the JackRabbit Holiday Party.
I was worried that I'd be disappointed by the JackRabbit party since the first party was so much fun, but this one was just as good. I saw lots of Mom and Dad's friends, and everyone said how cute I am. I got a little cranky for a few minutes, but for the most part I tried to be on my best behavior. I know that Mom and Dad like to show me off to their friends because they love me so much, so I figured I'd be good. Plus their friends are really nice, so it was easy to play along. I saw some old friends like Bridget, Johanna, Molly and Becca, plus I got to meet a lot of new people.
Overall I have to say that parties seem like a lot of fun so far. I can't wait to go to some more.
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